Nan Mun

Nan Mun is 36 years old and was married when she was 17.  She is the mother of six children; Kai Zalin-18, Shwe Zin Myint-16, Kway Kway Toe-14, Ta Zin Myint-11, Kway Tet-7, and Byitb Pyu Maung-5.  Eight people live a 200 square foot hut.  Nan Mun has attended Judah’s church for two years.  Her husband and grandmother live in the house and are nonbelievers.  Her 18 year old daughter is married to a Buddhist and lives in another village with him.  Her 16 year old daughter is in her last year of school.  Nan Mun’s 14 year old son, Kway Kway Toe does not attend school because she cannot afford school supplies for all the children and he is needed at home during the day to watch the house, get water from the community well, wash clothes and run errands while Nan Mun is at work.  Nan Mu does laundry for rich people in the village to make enough money to pay for one meal a day for her family.  She would like Kway Kway Toe to get a job to bring in more money but he is too small, not too young.  Her 11 year old daughter is in the fourth grade.  Nan Mun’s 7 year old and 5 year sons do not go to school because she cannot afford uniforms and lunches for them.   Kway Tet has a heart condition which causes shortness of breath.  He can only walk a few steps before losing his breath.  It takes Nan Mun 40 minutes to walk to the church and 40 minutes to walk back home.  Since Kway Tet cannot walk that far she carries him to and from church every Sunday.

Nan Mun does not work on Sundays so she has no money on Sundays to buy food for the family.  She used to worry a lot, but now she has complete trust in God.  She told us, “There is not always enough food, but every time we are hungry, God provides.”

Nan Mun’s husband is an unemployed alcoholic.  Everyone in the home is afraid when he comes home because he beats all of them.  Back in August of 2011 Nan Mun’s husband came home drunk one day and saw her reading her Bible.  He became very angry, snatched the Bible out of her hand, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it.  The next day his foot became swollen with a tumor.  He was then scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor.  When the surgeon cut open his foot he could not find the tumor.  Slowly his foot healed and now Nan Mun’s husband fears God.

In 2010 some members of the church in Wireless rebuilt Nan Mun a much stronger and better house.  Every member of the church tithes.  Not all members have money to tithe so they will tithe with rice.  When Judah receives tithes of rice he uses that tithe to feed members like Nan Mun’s family.

Nan Mun’s prayer requests:    For her husband to repent and become a believer, for healing of Kway Tet’s heart condition, and for all her children to become believers and serve the Lord.  Her 16 year old daughter became a believer and was baptized in 2010.

            *Update as of 01/13/2012-still attending church regularly.

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